Planning for Data Management

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Planning is a core component of managing your research data. The planning stage is when you decide how you will name and organize your files, identify who will need access to your data, and ensure that you're accounting for all of the data products your research will produce. In this class, we will work through hands-on planning exercises that you can apply in your own data management practice and adapt into a Data Management Plan (DMP) like those expected by funders or the University's new Research Data Management Interim Policy.

If you are currently conducting or planning to conduct research, please bring a description of your research project. We will also have some general scenarios available to work with. This is a hands-on class, so come prepared to talk with your colleagues about the kind of data you work with.

Upon completing this class, you should be able to:
  • Map out your data workflow from initial collection to final archiving
  • Write a basic data management plan
  • Create a simple README file to describe your data system
  • Identify which data you will preserve and share and which data you will keep locally (eg, raw data) or discard (eg, calibration data)

We recommend taking 'Introduction to Research Data Management' before taking this class.

Recording status
This class will not be recorded.
Class Materials
Class materials will be shared with attendees.
See more learning options on this topic: Data Management & Sharing