CARRIE -- Computational Ascertainment of Regulatory Relationships Inferred from Expression

What you can do:
Analyze microarray and promoter data to infer transcriptional regulatory network.
  • CARRIE is a computational method that analyzes microarray and promoter sequence data to infer a transcriptional regulatory network from the response to a specific stimulus. This service displays an interactive graph of the inferred network and provides easy access to the evidence for the involvement of each gene in the network.
  • It also provides Gene Ontology annotation to aid the user in forming hypotheses about the role of each gene in the cellular response.
  • transcriptional regulatory network
  • promoter analysis
  • microarray data analysis tool
  • global gene expression
  • transcription factors
  • TFs
Literature & Tutorials:
PubMed Link: CARRIE
This record last updated: 05-02-2005
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