ProteinCCD -- Protein Crystallographic Construct Design

What you can do:
Use to design truncation constructs of a protein under investigation.
  • ProteinCCD is a meta-server that collects information from prediction servers concerning secondary structure, disorder, coiled coils, transmembrane segments, domains and domain linkers.
  • It then displays a condensed view of all results against the protein sequence.
  • The user can study the output and choose interactively possible starts and ends for suitable protein constructs.
  • Since the required input to ProteinCCD is the DNA and not the protein sequence, once the starts and ends of constructs are chosen, the software can automatically design the oligonucleotides needed for PCR amplification of all constructs.
  • ProteinCCD outputs a comprehensive view of all constructs and all oligos needed for bookkeeping or for direct copy-paste ordering of the designed oligonucleotides.
  • protein crystallization
  • protein tertiary structure
This record last updated: 08-20-2009
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