RCR Session: "3R” Literature Searching for Animal Research Protocols

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Literature searches for the "3R’s" -- Refinement, Reduction, and Replacement -- are required for Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC) protocols that include animals covered by the Animal Welfare Act (AWA) and that are classified in the USDA Pain Classifications D or E. This session will cover the regulations and provide tips for searching the literature. (subject matter: animal subjects) 

This class is offered through a partnership of the library and the CTSI Responsible Conduct of Research (RCR) Center.

Upon completing this class, you should be able to:
  • State if a literature search is required for your animal research protocol.
  • Name two databases that can be used to meet the literature searching requirement.
  • Explain the difference between the literature searches needed for each “R”.
Recording status
This class will not be recorded.
Class Materials
Class materials will be shared with registrants.
See more learning options on this topic: Literature Searching Strategies