Single Cell RNA-Seq Data Analysis using Partek Flow

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This workshop is on single cell RNASeq analysis with multiple samples using HSLS-licensed Partek Flow software.

Target Audience: 

Experimental biologists seeking to learn how to analyze the single cell data generated through experiments or retrieved from a publication or a repository such as GEO. The software covered in the workshop operates through a user-friendly, point-and-click graphical user interface, so neither computer programming experience nor familiarity with the command-line interface is required.

Upon completing this class, you should be able to:
  • analyze from Raw data (FASTQ files)
  • import FASTQ files and run Cellranger software to generate single cell count matrix
  • analyze from Count Matrix data
  • import single cell count matrix
  • perform quality checks (QC) on single-cell data
  • filter and normalize the data
  • generate PCA and t-SNE, UMAP plots to visualize data
  • identify cell populations, and biomarkers in the multisample data
  • compute differential gene expressions between two cell populations and/or samples
What should you do before attending this class:

Register for Partek Flow software.

Recording status
This class will be recorded and shared with attendees.
Class Materials
Class materials will be shared with attendees.
See more learning options on this topic: Partek Flow