Searching for Drug Information

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This advanced class presupposes knowledge of basic PubMed searching.

The class will provide an overview on using HSLS and NLM resources. The class will discuss database searching for drug information, as well as uses for drug encyclopedias such as Micromedex to search for specific properties of drugs. Resources for clinical and research use of drugs will be included. Sources for Drug Evidence Alerts, calculations and interactions will also be covered.

Upon completing this class, you should be able to:
  • Describe HSLS resources for drug information including & beyond PubMed
  • Use the nuances of PubMed indexing and structure to search drug information more effectively, with some EMBASE hints
  • List which resource (drug databases, E-books) is best for different types of drug information
  • List sources for drug calculators and interactions
  • Create Drug Evidence Alerts to be informed of new drugs, issues and announcements
  • Find drug FDA Clinical Research Reports, where available
  • Find an open access chemical database with downloadable data
Recording status
This class will not be recorded.
Class Materials
Class materials will be shared with attendees.
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