Skills, Knowledge, and Tools for Peer Reviewing

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Peer review of health research journal manuscripts exists to ensure that a manuscript submission meets the standards of the journal it was submitted to. Peer reviewers are expected to evaluate the quality and validity of the health research the manuscript describes as well as check for flow, clarity, and transparency of the writing. But do peer reviewers have the skills, knowledge, or tools to adequately respond to expectations of editors? During this class, we will explore the use of health research reporting guidelines and critical appraisal tools as frameworks for structuring objective, methodical, and transparent reviews.

Upon completing this class, you should be able to:
  • Identify the HSLS LibGuide that links to reporting guidelines and critical appraisal tools
  • Compare and contrast reporting guidelines and critical appraisal tools
  • Describe how reporting guidelines and critical appraisal tools fit into the peer review process.
Class Materials
Class materials will be shared with attendees.
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