Creating a Visual/Graphical Abstract

Upcoming Classes

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Increase the reach of your research by learning how to visually summarize your article information for journal articles, social media, posters, or any platform you choose. This is a "flipped class" format. See below for details on what to complete before attending.

Audience: Any researcher interested in learning an introductory approach to creating visual/graphical abstracts.

What should you do before attending this class:

Upon registration you will receive links to 4 videos (~30 min total) that you can watch on your schedule, along with a couple of suggested activities to create your own visual/graphical abstracts. During the scheduled class time we will provide feedback on each other’s visual/graphical abstracts. The instructors will also answer any questions that you have about creating them. 

You must have a Pitt ID to access the videos; if you are a UPMC resident/fellow, contact us for alternate video links. 

Class Materials
Class materials will be shared with registrants.
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