Proteome Analyst -- A Web-based Tool for High-throughput Proteome Annotations

What you can do:
Predict various properties of each protein in an entire proteome.
  • Using machine-learned classifiers, it can predict general function and Gene Ontology (GO) molecular function of a protein. It is currently the most accurate and most comprehensive system for predicting subcellular localization, the location within a cell where a protein performs its main function.
  • It can create a custom classifier to predict a new property, without requiring any programming, based on labeled training data provided by a user. It also provides a sophisticated explanation feature that shows why one prediction is chosen over another.
  • The PA system produces a Naxefve Bayes classifier, which is amenable to a graphical and interactive approach to explanations for its predictions.
  • protein localizations
  • protein subcellular localization prediction tool
  • protein properties
  • protein annotations
  • proteome analysis tool
  • proteome annotations
  • high-throughput proteome annotations
Literature & Tutorials:
PubMed Link: Proteome Analyst
This record last updated: 05-23-2005
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