iMolTalk -- An interactive, Internet-based protein structure analysis server

What you can do:
Identify and highlight biochemically important regions in protein structures.
  • iMolTalk offers tools (i) to extract general information from PDB files, such as generic header information or the sequence derived from three-dimensional co-ordinates; (ii) to map corresponding residues from sequence to structure; (iii) to search for contacts of residues (amino or nucleic acids) or heterogeneous groups to the protein, present cofactors and substrates; and (iv) to identify proteinx96protein interfaces between chains in a structure.
  • The server provides results as user-friendly two-dimensional graphical representations and in textual format.
  • At any time during the analysis, the user can choose, for the following step, from the set of implemented tools or submit his/her own script to the server to extend the functionality of iMolTalk.
  • protein structures
  • protein-protein interactions
  • Ramachandran plot
  • protein structure alignments
  • protein structural alignments
  • sequence to structure alignments
  • protein secondary structure assignment
Literature & Tutorials:
PubMed Link: iMolTalk
This record last updated: 05-11-2005
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