ElNxe9mo -- A normal mode web server for protein movement analysis and the generation of templates for molecular replacement

What you can do:
Compute the low frequency normal modes of a protein in PDB format.
  • This is a web interface to the Elastic Network Model that provides a fast and simple tool to compute, visualize and analyze low-frequency normal modes of large macro-molecules and to generate a large number of different starting models for use in molecular replacement.
  • Upon input of a protein structure in Protein Data Bank format, ElNxe9mo computes its 100 lowest-frequency modes and produces a comprehensive set of descriptive parameters and visualizations, such as the degree of collectivity of movement, residue mean square displacements, distance fluctuation maps, and the correlation between observed and normal-mode-derived atomic displacement parameters (B-factors).
  • Any number of normal mode perturbed models for MR can be generated for download. If two conformations of the same (or a homologous) protein are available, ElNxe9mo identifies the normal modes that contribute most to the corresponding protein movement.
  • protein structures
  • molecular replacement
  • normal mode analysis
  • protein conformation changes
  • distance fluctuation maps
Literature & Tutorials:
PubMed Link: ElNxe9mo
This record last updated: 05-11-2005
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