Medicago -- A database for personalized data mining of the model legume Medicago truncatula transcriptome

What you can do:
Search for integrated genomic, genetic and biological information on cool season legume Medicago truncatula (Mt).
  • MtDB is a relational database that integrates Mt transcriptome data and provides a wide range of user-defined data mining options. The database is interrogated through a series of interfaces with 58 options grouped into two filters.
  • A set of >170 000 Mt ESTs has been assembled based on in-depth sampling from various developmental stages and pathogen-challenged tissues.
  • Users can select and compare unigene sets generated by different assemblers: Phrap, Cap3 and Cap4. Sequence identifiers from all public Mt sites (e.g. IDs from GenBank, CCGB, TIGR, NCGR, INRA) are fully cross-referenced to facilitate comparisons between different sites, and hypertext links to the appropriate database records are provided for all queries' results.
  • MtDB's goal is to provide researchers with the means to quickly and independently identify sequences that match specific research interests based on user-defined criteria.
  • Medicago truncatula
  • legume
  • Medicago truncatula genome
  • legume genomes
  • Medicago truncatula expressed sequence tags
  • Medicago truncatula ESTs
  • global gene expression
  • Medicago truncatula transcriptome
  • legume transcriptome
Literature & Tutorials:
PubMed Link: MtDB
This record last updated: 05-05-2005
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