NPRD -- Nucleosome Positioning Region Database

What you can do:
Search for experimental data on locations and characteristics of nucleosome formation sites.
  • The database compiles the available experimental data on locations and characteristics of nucleosome formation sites as well as detailed information on other factors that influence nucleosome positioning.
  • It includes the following information: location of nucleosome relative to genes (5'- or 3'-regions, enhancers, etc.) or outside genes (repetitive DNA: satellite, centromeric, etc.), the type of gene activity related to nucleosome position, influence of nonhistone proteins, occurrence of translational or rotational nucleosome positioning, characteristics of tissue types and states of cell activity, detailed characterization of experimental methods used and accuracy of determining the nucleosome position, and results of applying theoretical and computer methods to analysis of contextual and conformational DNA properties.
  • The 2004 release of NPRD database contains 438 entries and integrates the data described in 124 original papers.
  • nucleosomes
  • nucleosome formation sites
  • chromatin structures
  • NFS
  • nucleosome positions
Literature & Tutorials:
PubMed Link: NPRD
This record last updated: 05-02-2005
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