GeneFizz -- a web tool to compare genetic (coding/non-coding) and physical (helix/coil) segmentations of DNA sequences. Gene discovery and evolutionary perspectives

What you can do:
Compare between genetic (coding/non-coding) and physics (helix/coil) segmentations of DNA sequences.
  • This web tool permits the direct comparison between two types of segmentations for DNA sequences (possibly annotated): the coding/non-coding segmentation associated with genomic annotations (simple genes or exons in split genes) and the physics-based structural segmentation between helix and coil domains (as provided by the classical helix-coil model).
  • GeneFizz can be used for two purposes: ab initio physics-based identification of new genes or the exploration of possible evolutionary signals revealed by the discrepancies observed between the two types of information.
  • gene discovery tool
  • gene prediction tool
  • DNA sequence analysis tool
  • gene evolution analysis tool
This record last updated: 06-22-2005
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