CX, DPX and PRIDE -- WWW servers for the analysis and comparison of protein 3D structures

What you can do:
Analyze protein 3D structures submitted by the users as the Protein Data Bank (PDB) files.
  • The servers are dedicated to the analysis of protein 3D structures submitted by the users as the Protein Data Bank (PDB) files.
  • CX computes an atomic protrusion index that makes it possible to highlight the protruding atoms within a protein 3D structure.
  • DPX calculates a depth index for the buried atoms and makes it possible to analyze the distribution of buried residues.
  • CX and DPX return PDB files containing the calculated indices that can then be visualized using standard programs, such as Swiss-PDBviewer and Rasmol.
  • PRIDE compares 3D structures using a fast algorithm based on the distribution of inter-atomic distances.
  • The options include pairwise as well as multiple comparisons, and fold recognition based on searching the CATH fold database.
  • protein structure analysis tool
  • protein tertiary structure analysis tool
  • protein 3D structure analysis tool
  • protein folds
  • protein folding
This record last updated: 11-08-2005
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