MovieMaker -- a web server for rapid rendering of protein motions and interactions

What you can do:
Generate short movies of protein motions using the PDB files.
  • MovieMaker is a web server that allows short (approximately 10 seconds), downloadable movies of protein motions to be generated.
  • It accepts PDB files or PDB accession numbers as input and automatically calculates, renders and merges the necessary image files to create colorful animations covering a wide range of protein motions and other dynamic processes.
  • Users have the option of animating (i) simple rotation, (ii) morphing between two end-state conformers, (iii) short-scale, picosecond vibrations, (iv) ligand docking, (v) protein oligomerization, (vi) mid-scale nanosecond (ensemble) motions and (vii) protein folding/unfolding.
  • MovieMaker does not perform molecular dynamics calculations. Instead it is an animation tool that uses a sophisticated superpositioning algorithm in conjunction with Cartesian coordinate interpolation to rapidly and automatically calculate the intermediate structures needed for many of its animations.
  • Users have extensive control over the rendering style, structure color, animation quality, background and other image features.
  • MovieMaker is intended to be a general-purpose server that allows both experts and non-experts to easily generate useful, informative protein animations for educational and illustrative purposes.
  • protein structure visualization tool
  • protein animation tool
  • protein motions
  • protein animations
This record last updated: 11-16-2005
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