-- analysis of partly melted DNA conformations using stitch profiles

What you can do:
Perform computations on DNA melting, thus predict the localized separation of the two strands for DNA sequences.
  • This Web server performs computations on DNA melting, thus predicting the localized separation of the two strands for sequences provided by the users.
  • The output types are stitch profiles, melting curves, probability profiles, etc. Stitch profile diagrams visualize the ensemble of alternative conformations that DNA can adopt with different probabilities.
  • For example, a stitch profile shows the possible loop openings in terms of their locations, sizes, probabilities and fluctuations at a given temperature.
  • Sequences with lengths up to several tens or hundreds of kilobase pairs can be analyzed.
  • DNA melting
  • DNA melting curve calculation tool
  • DNA denaturation prediction tool
  • DNA temparature profile
This record last updated: 12-19-2005
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