AffinDB -- a freely accessible database of affinities for proteinx96ligand complexes from the PDB

What you can do:
Search for affinity data for structurally resolved proteinx96ligand complexes from the Protein Data Bank (PDB).
  • Affinity data are collected from the scientific literature, both from primary sources describing the original experimental work of affinity determination and from secondary references which report affinity values determined by others.
  • As of end of 2005, AffinDB contains over 730 affinity entries covering more than 450 different protein-ligand complexes.
  • Besides the affinity value, PDB summary information and additional data are provided, including the experimental conditions of the affinity measurement (if available in the corresponding reference); 2D drawing, SMILES code and molecular weight of the ligand; links to other databases, and bibliographic information.
  • AffinDB can be queried by PDB code or by any combination of affinity range, temperature and pH value of the measurement, ligand molecular weight, and publication data.
  • protein-ligand complexes
  • protein-ligand binding
  • protein binding affinity
  • affinity measurement
  • protein structures
  • protein ligands
  • drug design
This record last updated: 02-15-2006
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