EndoNet -- an information resource about regulatory networks of cell-to-cell communication

What you can do:
Search for information about intercellular regulatory communication.
  • EndoNet provides information about hormones, hormone receptors, the sources (i.e. cells, tissues and organs) where the hormones are synthesized and secreted, and where the respective receptors are expressed. The database focuses on the regulatory relations between them.
  • An elementary communication is displayed as a causal link from a cell that secretes a particular hormone to those cells which express the corresponding hormone receptor and respond to the hormone.
  • Whenever expression, synthesis and/or secretion of another hormone are part of this response, it renders the corresponding cell an internal node of the resulting network.
  • This intercellular communication network coordinates the function of different organs.
  • Therefore, the database covers the hierarchy of cellular organization of tissues and organs as it has been modeled in the Cytomer ontology, which has now been directly embedded into EndoNet.
  • The user can query the database; the results can be used to visualize the intercellular information flow.
  • A newly implemented hormone classification enables to browse the database and may be used as alternative entry point.
  • endocrine pathways
  • endocrine singal transduction pathway
  • hormones
  • hormone receptors
  • Hormone-receptor interactions
  • metabolism
This record last updated: 04-02-2008
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