Database of Protein Disorder -- proteins that lack fixed 3D structure in their native states

What you can do:
Search for curated information about proteins that lack fixed 3D structure in their putatively native states, either in their entirety or in part.
  • The Database of Protein Disorder (DisProt) is a curated database that provides structure and function information about proteins that lack a fixed three-dimensional (3D) structure under putatively native conditions, either in their entirety or in part.
  • For each disordered protein, the database includes the name of the protein, various aliases, accession codes, amino acid sequence, location of the disordered region(s), and methods used for structural (disorder) characterization.
  • If applicable, most entries also list the biological function(s) of each disordered region, how each region of disorder is used for function, as well as provide links to PubMed abstracts and major protein databases.
  • protein structures
  • protein conformations
  • protein disorder
  • disordered proteins
Literature & Tutorials:
This record last updated: 03-28-2007
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