Oryza Tag Line -- a phenotypic mutant database for the Genoplante rice insertion line library

What you can do:
Find info from the phenotypic characterization of a library of 30,000 T-DNA enhancer trap (ET) insertion lines of rice (Oryza sativa L cv. Nipponbare)
  • OTL structure facilitates forward genetic search for specific phenotypes, putatively resulting from gene disruption, and/or for GUSA or GFP reporter gene expression patterns, reflecting ET-mediated endogenous gene detection.
  • In the latest version, OTL gathers the detailed morpho-physiological alterations observed during field evaluation and specific screens in a first set of 13,928 lines.
  • Detection of GUS or GFP activity in specific organ/tissues in a subset of the library is also provided.
  • Search in OTL can be achieved through trait ontology category, organ and/or developmental stage, keywords, expression of reporter gene in specific organ/tissue as well as line identification number.
  • OTL now contains the description of 9721 mutant phenotypic traits observed in 2636 lines and 1234 GUS or GFP expression patterns.
  • Each insertion line is documented through a generic passport data including production records, seed stocks and FST information.
  • 8004 and 6101 of the 13,928 lines are characterized by at least one T-DNA and one Tos17 FST, respectively that OTL links to the rice genome browser OryGenesDB.
  • rice T-DNA insertion mutants
  • rice insertional mutagenesis
  • rice mutants
  • Oryza sativa mutants
  • rice insertion mutants
  • rice Flanking Sequence Tags
  • rice phenotypes
  • rice GUS/GFP expression assays
This record last updated: 04-07-2008
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