RetrOryza -- The Rice LTR Retrotransposon database

What you can do:
Search for annotated information on rice long terminal repeat (LTR)-retrotransposons.
  • The aims of the database are to (i) Assemble a comprehensive dataset of LTR-retrotransposons that includes not only abundant elements, but also low copy number elements. (ii) Provide an interface to efficiently access the resources stored in the database. This interface should also allow the community to annotate these elements. (iii) Provide a means for identifying LTR-retrotransposons inserted near genes.
  • The 2006 release of the database contains 242 complete LTR-retrotransposons that have been structurally and functionally annotated.
  • The web site also allows user to annotate a sequence or search for LTR-retrotransposons in the neighborhood of a gene of interest.
  • Long terminal repeat retrotransposons
  • LTR-retrotransposons
  • mobile genetic elements
  • rice genome
  • Oryza sativa genome
  • plant genome
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This record last updated: 02-20-2007
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