Anisotropic Network Model web server

What you can do:
Predict potential flexibility and mobility of each amino acid present in a protein sequence
  • ANM (Anisotropic network model) is a simple NMA tool for analysis of vibrational motions in molecular systems introduced in 2000 (1,2). It uses Elastic Network (EN) methodology and represents the system in the residue level. The macromolecule is thus represented as a network, or graph. Each node is the Cxe1 atom of a residue and the overall potential is simply the sum of harmonic potentials between interacting nodes. The network includes all interactions within a cutoff distance which is the only predetermined parameter in the model. Information about the orientation of each interaction with respect to the global coordinates system is considered within the Force constant matrix and allows prediction of anisotropic motions. The model was successfully applied for exploring the relation between function and dynamics for many proteins.
  • University of Pittsburgh
  • Computational biology
  • ANM
  • Elastic Network (EN) methodology
  • EN
  • Hessian matrix
This record last updated: 10-11-2007
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