PIC -- Protein Interactions Calculator

What you can do:
Explore interactions between and within proteins.
  • Protein Interactions Calculator (PIC) is a server which, given the coordinate set of 3D structure of a protein or an assembly, computes various interactions such as disulphide bonds, interactions between hydrophobic residues, ionic interactions, hydrogen bonds, aromatic-aromatic interactions, aromatic-sulphur interactions and cation-pi interactions within a protein or between proteins in a complex.
  • Interactions are calculated on the basis of standard, published criteria.
  • The identified interactions between residues can be visualized using a RasMol and Jmol interface.
  • The advantage with PIC server is the easy availability of inter-residue interaction calculations in a single site.
  • It also determines the accessible surface area and residue-depth, which is the distance of a residue from the surface of the protein.
  • User can also recognize specific kind of interactions, such as apolar-apolar residue interactions or ionic interactions, that are formed between buried or exposed residues or near the surface or deep inside.
  • Molecular Conformation
  • Molecular Structure
  • protein interactions
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This record last updated: 06-03-2008
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