miRNApath -- a database of miRNAs, target genes and metabolic pathways

What you can do:
Provides data about mature miRNAs, miRNAs targets, and the pathways that they are involved.
  • An miRNApath online database that uses miRNA target genes to link miRNAs to metabolic pathways.
  • miRNApath offers five search services and a download area. For each search, there is a specific type of input, which can be a list of target genes, miRNAs, or metabolic pathways, which results in different views, depending upon the input data, concerning relationships between the target genes, miRNAs and metabolic pathways.
  • There are also internal links that lead to a deeper analysis and cross-links to other databases with more detailed information.
  • MicroRNAs
  • miRNA
  • metabolic pathway
This record last updated: 08-28-2008
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