CentrosomeDB -- The Centrosomal Protein Database

What you can do:
Find information about genes and proteins in the human centrosome.
  • Centrosome:db contains a set of 383 likely human centrosomal genes and recorded the associated supporting evidences.
  • It offers several perspectives to study the human centrosome including evolution, function and structure.
  • The database contains information on the orthology relationships with other species, including fungi, nematodes, arthropods, urochordates and vertebrates.
  • Predictions of the domain organization of centrosome:db proteins are graphically represented at different sections of the database, including sets of alternative protein isoforms, interacting proteins, groups of orthologs and the homologs identified with blast.
  • Centrosome:db also contains information related to function, gene-disease associations, SNPs and the 3D structure of proteins.
  • centrosome
  • centrosome structure
  • centrosome function
  • centrosomal gene
Literature & Tutorials:
This record last updated: 03-20-2009
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