PLecDom -- Plant Lectin Domains server

What you can do:
Find information about plant lectin domains.
  • PLecDom is a program for detection of Plant Lectin Domains in a polypeptide or EST sequence, followed by a classification of the identified domains into known families.
  • The web server is a collection of plant lectin domain families represented by alignments and profile Hidden Markov Models.
  • Users can test their sequences for potential lectin domains, catalog the identified domains into broad substrate classes, estimate the extent of divergence of new domains with existing homologs, extract domain boundaries and examine flanking sequences for further analysis.
  • The search algorithm requires input in fasta format and is designed to process simultaneous connection requests from multiple users, such that huge sets of input sequences can be scanned in a matter of seconds.
  • plant lectin domain
  • Phylogeny Reconstruction
This record last updated: 08-18-2009
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