webPRC -- PRofile Comparer web server

What you can do:
Use to detect remote evolutionary relationships between protein families.
  • Profile Comparer (PRC) is a stand-alone program for scoring and aligning hidden Markov models (HMMs), which are based on multiple sequence alignments.
  • Since PRC compares profile HMMs instead of sequences, it can be used to find distant homologues.
  • It only reports profile HMM alignments and does not produce multiple sequence alignments.
  • The server makes it straightforward to search for distant homologues or similar alignments in a number of domain databases.
  • It provides the results both as multiple sequence alignments and aligned HMMs.
  • The user can view the domain annotation, evaluate the PRC hits with the Jalview multiple alignment editor and generate logos from the aligned HMMs or the aligned multiple alignments.
  • Hidden Markov model
  • alignment
This record last updated: 09-11-2009
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