PiSQRD -- Protein Structure Quasi-Rigid Domain Decomposition

What you can do:
Find information about protein structure.
  • The PiSQRD web resource can be used to subdivide protein structures in quasi-rigid dynamical domains, which are groups of amino acids behaving as approximately rigid units in the course of protein equilibrium fluctuations.
  • The PiSQRD server takes as input a biomolecular structure and the desired fraction of protein internal fluctuations that must be accounted for by the relative rigid-body motion of the dynamical domains.
  • Next, the lowest energy modes of fluctuation of the protein (optionally provided by the user) are calculated and used to identify the rigid subunits.
  • The resulting optimal subdivision is returned through a web page containing both interactive graphics and detailed data output.
  • protein structure
  • protein equilibrium fluctuation
This record last updated: 10-27-2009
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