CellClassifier -- Supervised machine learning cell annotator

What you can do:
Annotate cells in microscopy images.
  • CellClassifier is a tool for classifying single-cell phenotypes in microscope images.
  • It includes several unique and user-friendly features for classification using multiclass support vector machines.
  • CellClassifier displays each original image interactively, so that each cell is recognized and made 'clickable'.
  • Each cell can therefore be easily annotated, rare phenotypes within a population can be found, and it can be observed if single-cell phenotypes depend on the population context of that cell.
  • It contains three methods of supervised machine learning, namely Support Vector Machines (SVM), including multiclass SVMs, multilinear perceptrons and k-nearest neighbors.
  • It can display fractions of correctly and incorrectly classified cells during the course of training in order to evaluate the classification performance and its improvement through training iterations.
  • cell biology
  • microscopy
  • microscope
  • image informatics
  • image annotation
  • machine learning
Literature & Tutorials:
This record last updated: 04-17-2014
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