ISbrowser -- ISfinder extension browser

What you can do:
Visualize insertion sequences in prokaryotic genomes from ISfinder.
  • ISbrowser is an extension to the ISfinder platform and a tool which permits visualization of the position, orientation and distribution of complete and partial ISs in individual prokaryotic genomes.
  • ISfinder ( is a dedicated IS database which assigns names to individual ISs to maintain a coherent nomenclature, an IS repository including >3000 individual ISs from both bacteria and archaea and provides a basis for IS classification.
  • Each IS is indexed in ISfinder with various associated pieces of information (the complete nucleotide sequence, the sequence of the ends and target sites, potential open reading frames, strain of origin, distribution in other strains and available bibliography) and classified into a group or family to provide some insight into its phylogeny.
  • ISfinder also includes extensive background information on ISs and transposons in general.
  • bacterial insertion sequences
  • prokaryotic insertion sequences
  • transposons
  • bacterial DNA transposable elements
  • ISfinder
This record last updated: 01-12-2010
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