GeneSigDB -- Gene Signature Database

What you can do:
Find information about genes whose transcriptional levels are uniquely associated with a specific biological phenotype.
  • GeneSigDB is a manually curated database of gene expression signatures.
  • It currently focuses on cancer and stem cells gene signatures and was constructed from more than 850 publications from which 575 gene signatures were manually transcribed.
  • Most gene signatures (n = 560) were successfully mapped to the genome to extract standardized lists of EnsEMBL gene identifiers.
  • GeneSigDB provides the original gene signature, the standardized gene list and a fully traceable gene mapping history for each gene from the original transcribed data table through to the standardized list of genes.
  • The GeneSigDB web portal allows users to compare their own gene list to those in the database, and download gene signatures in most common gene identifier formats.
  • gene signature
  • cancer gene
  • biomarker
  • gene expression signature
This record last updated: 03-17-2010
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